With last week’s news that former Greater Vision tenor Jason Waldroup is getting back on the road as a duo with his wife, Missy, I thought that this would be a great time to re-introduce him to you with an interview.
DJM: Jason and Missy, I recently noticed that you have released a duo CD and have started to accept bookings. What prompted you to get back on the road?
Jason: I left Greater Vision to go to Bible school and do church music ministry. After serving two years in Houston, Texas I tried to give up ministry all together. I was completely burnt out. I took a regular job working in a factory. My job required me to stoop over all day. After two weeks of work and months of kicking against what God was leading me to do, my back went out. I couldn’t walk. Riding in an ambulance, staring up at the lights going by, I broke and said to the Lord ‘Ok, God what do you want me to do?’. After being released from the hospital, I told Missy’s mom to make some calls to see if anyone wanted to hear us sing. People began to say ‘yes’ and the rest is history.
DJM: Are you still involved in church ministry? (If so, where?)
Jason and Missy: We are involved in ministry through our home church, North Point Baptist in Carrollton, GA. They have been a great encouragement to us. We help when we’re home and they support us when we are ministering elsewhere.
DJM: Do you plan to accept dates outside of Texas, or only in Texas?
Jason and Missy: We relocated to a house and land that Missy inherited from her dad. (he’s still alive but gifted it early-she’s an only child) We live on 250 acres with all of Missy’s aunts, uncles and cousins. We love it! They can cook! To answer your question, we are accepting bookings from anywhere. We don’t have a bus, and the kids are in school, but we’ll try to make anything possible.
DJM: What will we be able to expect from a typical concert? Will Jason sing any of his Greater Vision-era hits?
Jason: We have sung a few of my solos from my Greater Vision days in concert where they are called for in a program. One Greater Vision song that really merges well with our new songs is ‘I will glorify the Lord.’. That’s the style we are singing. The songs on the CD will be mostly new to Southern Gospel fans and will stay in that church music sound. The good thing about us is that because of our backgrounds, we can adapt to any church.
DJM: Do your children appear on the CD, and are you anticipating that they will be taking part in your programs?
Jason and Missy: Our kids can sing us under the table! They are great! Abbie has been praying for years that her family could sing together as a gospel group. Abbie sings a song on the project and all three kids have a song they sing sometimes in concert.
DJM: Is there anything else you’d like to share about the project?
Jason and Missy: The CD should be released sometime in May. We’re in the mixing process now. More than anything, we really want to encourage people, saved and unsaved, that Christ still redeems! He still rescues those of us that get confused and lose our way. God has a plan for each of us and sometimes we don’t understand things that happen in our lives, but He is still in control!
DJM: For more about Jason and Missy, and to book them for a concert, visit www.jasonandmissy.org. Thank you!