Adam Sees

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He hears a rustle in the trees
His Maker walking in the breeze
The face he once had loved to see
Adam sees
His breath still bears forbidden fruit
The curse of sin has taken root
Excuses are no substitute
Adam sees

For centuries, he bears the blame
Long centuries of death and shame
Each widow’s face, each orphan’s name
Adam sees
He sees his children join the slain
He fights the thorns, but fights in vain
He longs for death to end the pain
That Adam sees

He hears a thunder at the door
He sees a face he’s seen before
His Friend, his Son, is now his Lord
Adam sees
With joy he joins the ransomed dead
For Christ the Victor in his stead
Has finally crushed the serpent’s head
Adam sees

…joins the ransomed dead
The second Adam, in his stead,
Has finally crushed the serpent’s head
Adam sees

Author & Composer

Words and Music by Daniel J. Mount

Publishing Information

© 2011 Tomorrow’s Hymns/BMI

Sheet Music

Download here

Scripture References

Genesis 1-4

Song Story

Can you imagine being Adam?


How about Adam as an old man?


In 2011, I was thinking about how perhaps nothing is as painful for a parent as watching a son or daughter in pain, with nothing they can do about it. But what if you were in Adam’s shoes? What if you had to watch your children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren suffer and die, knowing your sin brought this upon them? That’s what inspired this song.