Because He Loves His Bride

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The very voice of God on high
That formed the earth and spread the sky
Became a baby’s helpless cry
Because He loves His bride.

The wrath of God upon her head
He took upon Himself instead
He drank the cup and broke the bread
Because He loves His bride.

He sees her walking through a trial
He hears each cry and feels each mile
But waits to walk her down the aisle
Because He loves His bride.
He waits till she is purified
Because He loves His bride.

He chose her from a world of sin
Redeemed her for Himself again
He intercedes for her alone
Because He loves His bride.

One day His voice will rend the skies
A righteous fury in His eyes
For those who dared to touch His prize
Because He loves His bride.

He’ll spend the ages at her side
Justified and glorified
Because He loves His bride!

Author & Composer

Words and Music by Dianne Wilkinson and Daniel J. Mount

Publishing Information

© 2012 Christian Taylor Music/BMI | Tomorrow’s Hymns/BMI

Song Story

I wrote this lyric in 2012. Shortly after I finished it, I sent it to Dianne Wilkinson, who wrote a majestic melody, as well as words to the bridge and tag.


The central image of this song is the church as the bride of Christ. This is drawn from Ephesians 5:25-27: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.”


To what lengths did Jesus go for us? That’s the first two verses.


Here’s where the lyric takes an unexpected turn. To what lengths does Jesus go for us today? He serves us by waiting. We (as His church) are purified and spotless in one sense, but in another sense, we are not yet as purified and spotless as we will someday be. So He waits.


And to what lengths will He go? That’s where verse 4 looks to the future.