Free Indeed

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1. A voice with a power heard never before
Was calling to them from the Galilee shore
They abandoned their fish and their boats that day
To hear what He had to say

2. A voice with authority they’d never heard
Proclaimed to the people the truth of the Word
The multitudes watched as He healed and forgave
They wondered how He could save

Ch. When He summons to the sinner, He cleanses the soul
When He speaks to the sick, they rise and are whole
When He shatters the shackles, the captive is freed
So when He says you are free, you are free indeed

3. A voice full of triumph will wake us from sleep
Free us from death and the tears that we weep
Tongues that were stilled will be loosened to sing
Praise to the King of Kings

Author & Composer

Words by Daniel J. Mount and Ben Garms | Music by Daniel J. Mount

Publishing Information

© 2015 Tomorrow’s Hymns/BMI | The Song Spot/BMI

Sheet Music

Download here

Scripture References

John 8:36