Yet You Call

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We loved the world and hated grace
What moths corrupt, we longed to chase
You found us locked in Hell’s embrace
And yet You called us friends
You called us, saved us by your grace
The day you called us friends.

We fight and envy…covet…lust
Repent, but soon betray Your trust
Now You are holy…You are just
And yet you call us clean
When we repent, You call us just
The day You call us clean.

Satan calls us slaves to sin
And yet You call us free
Satan knows what we have been
Yet you know what we’ll be!

You see the work we’ve left undone
The battles raging…battles won
The mantles left for faithful sons
And yet You call us home
You call the course we’re running done
The day You call us home.

You call the course we’re running done
The day You call us home.

Author & Composer

Words and Music by Dianne Wilkinson and Daniel J. Mount

Publishing Information

© 2014 Brandon Hunter Music/BMI | Music of Evergreen/BMI | Tomorrow’s Hymns/BMI